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Is Wastewater Really a Waste?
“Water is one of our most precious resources.It makes up more than half of the human body, 77 percent of our brains, and covers nearly 70 percent of our earth. Yet, less than 1 percent of the water on earth is drinkable. With a shifting climate, the amount and distribution of precipitation is changing — and decreasing in many areas.

Purchasing Seeds- Where to Begin?
It's that time of year when many of us begin dreaming of our spring and summer gardens. Depending on where you live, it may even be the time to start some seeds indoors to transplant outside when the time is right. With so many seed companies out there, it can be overwhelming deciding which ones to support. Here are some things to consider:

Kids Gardening...Strengthening Your Child's At-Home Learning Experience
One of the greatest joys of my life has been and continues to be, gardening with children. Their excitement and joy of working alongside you is rewarding enough to keep on gardening with them, but the benefits of getting them in the garden go much deeper.

Send Us Your Gardening Questions
As many of us begin to isolate, we may naturally feel more vulnerable and uncertain. One thing that brings me some peace during these challenging times is the act of growing food. I have always loved to grow food, but it feels a little different going into this season. I felt like I needed to take my food growing a bit more seriously. Questions started bubbling up. What are some of the more nutritious veggie varieties I can grow? Is it too soon to plant in the ground? What seeds should I start indoors? What medicine plants should I focus on growing this year?
Lettuce Help You...

Costa Rica Adventures
About a year ago, I had the great opportunity to travel to the Yoga Farm in Costa Rica to teach a Permaculture Design Course. It was an incredible experience, to say the least. And perhaps one of the greatest benefits of this course is that they also accommodated my daughter and two dear friends. It has been a busy year since then, so in these cold winter days, I can finally share some of those experiences with you.

Is a Permaculture Design Course Right for You?
Are you wondering if a Permaculture Design Course is right for you?
Learn more about our courses in this video!

Blending Beauty and Function in the Landscape- Add Something Delicious!
There is often no doubt that we want our landscapes to be beautiful. What is fun and unique about what we do is we make a landscape beautiful AND functional. In our region of the Southeast, there are plenty of plants that we can incorporate into our landscapes that feed people, pollinators and wildlife.

The (Heritage) Ducklings are on Their Way
As I stepped outside of the house at 7am yesterday, I was greeted with an abundance of birdsongs and chirps not heard since last fall. My heart, too, sang, as I took a deep breath of the humid 65 degree spring air. After a quick breakfast, I met my mom and cousin and we headed to Duck Dance Farm.

The Leaves are Falling…What the Sheet?!
Container gardening is, well, what it sounds like- gardening in containers. When space is limited, you may have to turn to pots to get that fresh, just out the door produce that tastes oh so good.