Is a Permaculture Design Course Right for You?

Permaculture Video at Wild Abundance

Are you wondering if a Permaculture Design Course is right for you?

Learn more about our courses in this video!

What is Permaculture?

There are so many ways to describe permaculture, and no one definition is the same. At YummyYards, we see permaculture as a collection of indigenous practices, wisdom and ways of living that have existed throughout humanity. We decide which of these practices is most appropriate depending on what the land and ecosystems need and want. Further, it is an interdisciplinary approach to ecological design that uses careful observation and holistic understanding to inform intelligent action in how we design and interact with the environment around us. It is a way of looking at, understanding, and engaging with complex and diverse living systems that benefit the ecosystem as a whole. It involves identifying the interrelationships of natural systems and engaging specific tools and techniques to guide human interactions with respect for those systems. Permaculture design is a way to work with nature instead of against it, so that people and ecosystems can support one another. As permaculture designers, nature is our guide for how we design living landscapes, human settlements, organizations and our lives.

Learn more about our Permaculture Design Course here!


Costa Rica Adventures


Blending Beauty and Function in the Landscape- Add Something Delicious!